
Children’s Educational Animation


Educate children on where and how their clothes are made, in an engaging memorable way. The aim is to educate children and in turn educate their parents and peers, fostering conscious consumers through conversations aided from their newfound awareness on how they can care for the planet by caring for their clothes.


Target audience is children to intervene when they are young whilst they are still forming beliefs of the world around them. Using functional story telling method by triggering the release of hormones in the body such as dopamine, that allows us to have better memory and focus, oxytocin that allows us to be more trusting and endorphins allowing us to become more creative, relaxed, and focused. Applying this methodology whilst writing the story to ensure it is engaging, entertaining and memorable with the hope of inspiring positive change in the way we think about clothes, planting the seed that we are connected to nature and one another.


A children’s educational animation creating awareness on how clothes are made and how we can care for the planet by caring for our clothes, accessible to view and share on YouTube.